How do I change default location and language?

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to accessing and modifying your settings in Voxel:

  1. Sign in to Voxel and go to the start page at
  2. Click on your avatar or icon located in the top right corner of the page. This will open a dropdown menu.
  3. From the dropdown menu, choose “Settings and credits.”
  4. You will be taken to the settings page, where you can customize various preferences.
  5. Look for options to change your default location and language. Select your preferred location and language to tailor Voxel’s interface to your needs.
  6. You can also modify your default currency and color palette on the same settings page. Choose the currency that suits you best, and if you prefer a specific color palette, you can select it here as well.
  7. After making your desired changes, you can enjoy Voxel with your preferences.

By following these steps, you can easily customize your Voxel experience according to your preferences for location, language, currency, and color palette.

Changing default location, language & currency in Voxel

  1. Navigate to
    Screenshot of: Navigate to
  2. Click on your avatar in the top right corner.
    Screenshot of: Click on your avatar in the top right corner.
  3. Click “Settings & Credits”
    Screenshot of: Click "Settings & Credits"
  4. Click on the language drop-down and select your default language.
    Screenshot of: Click on the language drop-down and select your default language.
  5. I selected “English” in this example.
    Screenshot of: I selected "English" in this example.
  6. Click on the location drop-down and select your default market.
    Screenshot of: Click on the location drop-down and select your default market.
  7. I selected “United States” in this example.
    Screenshot of: I selected "United States" in this example.
  8. Click on the currency drop-down and select your default currency.
    Screenshot of: Click on the currency drop-down and select your default currency.
  9. I selected “United States Dollar” in this example.
    Screenshot of: I selected "United States Dollar" in this example.
  10. Changes are automatically saved so just return to the app start page and enjoy your new defaults by clicking the logo in the top left corner.
    Screenshot of: Changes are automatically saved so just return to the app start page and enjoy your new defaults by clicking the logo in the top left corner.